The artwork on this page is either already sold or not for sale. This is a sample of some of the designs we have made in the past. Many of our designs were drawn, then Mark cuts the piece out of roofing copper. Mark also does ALL the torch fired glass beads. I do all the copper enameling on either our own cut designs or any pre-stamped copper pieces.

Mark’s wolf designs cut out of roofing copper.

T-Rex Pendant with Red Tiger Eye and Baltic Amber Gemstone Beads. – SOLD

Torch Fired Copper Enamel Bead Necklace. – SOLD

Copper Enamel Heart Pin with Torch Fired Glass Bead and Rose Quartz. – SOLD

Copper Enamel Pendant With Torch Fired Glass Beads and Quartz Crystal This one was awarded Best of Show. – Not for Sale

Copper Enamel Bear Pendant With Torch Fired Glass Beads. – SOLD
Mamma and Baby Bear Pins. – SOLD

Copper Enamel Diffuser Pendant with turquoise, Mother of Pearl and Lava Stone. – SOLD

Torch Fired Glass Beads with Baltic Amber and Lapis Gemstones. Award winning.

Copper Enamel Pins

Copper Enamel Frog Pins

This has 2 of Mark’s torch fired glass beads & a turquoise pendant that was the first gift Mark gave me while we were dating.
Not for sale. 😉